Current Affairs: Electric Bicycles

Summer 2015 brought great news to bike-, environment- and efficiency- enthusiasts across the country when the Ministry of Transportation approved the use of electric bicycles in Israel. Bigger news is that personal import of the trendy new form of transport is now allowed–tax-free.


With over 120,000 electric bicycles imported over the past two years, there has been a notable decrease in cars on the road. This popular mode of transportation sparked serious conversations of safety regulations and enforcement. Effective as of September 1, electric bicycles are required to have a bell or horn, are only allowed to reach speeds of 25 kilometers per hour and must be labeled as an electric bicycle on its side, among other requirements.


Not only will there be requirements for the bicycles themselves, but an over 200% spike in the incidence of bicycle-related accidents has induced talks related to rider safety as well. Bike paths, helmet requirements and even licenses for cyclists might be enforced by police to promote road and rider responsibility and safety.


For Olim, coming to Israel is already a shift in transportation standards. Most anglos find the road safety very different from that of their place of origin. In step with creating a more ecologically friendly state, the addition of electric bicycles is remarkable, yet provides another factor to which Olim need to acclimate. If you are interested in bringing an electric bicycle on your lift and have questions, feel free to get in touch with the experts at KEF International Shipping.


